Micro Lesson

 Bella Blanco

ETC 447

March 26, 2023

Micro Lesson Inferences


Provide a reason for teaching the lesson. (i.e. Grade level curriculum, meets the common core standards/Arizona’s College & Career Ready Standards)

I am teaching this lesson because it is important for students to understand inferences and how inferences can help them when reading. 


Grade Level: Fourth grade 

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Topic of Study: Inferences

Time Allotment: 30 minutes

Standards: (Include Common Core and/or Subject Area (if needed))

4.RL.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. 

ISTE Standards: 

Educator Standard: 2.5.b Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning. 

Student Standard: 1.6.d Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences. 

Objectives: (What do you want the students to know or be able to do?, I will be looking carefully on how they align with your assessment)

I can use information from the text to make an inference. 

Reflection: Assessing Prior Knowledge and Planning Instruction

  • What do the students need to know prior to the lesson?

Students need to know how to make a logical guess when given information. They need to be able to make assumptions and explain why they made the assumption with information. This lesson could be an introduction lesson to inferences. However, it would be helpful if it were taught on day two or three of introduction to inference. 

  • How will prior knowledge and experience be assessed?

Prior knowledge and experience will be assessed by using the anticipatory set, such as open-ended questions. 

  • How will you use this information in the planning process?

    • I will use this information to understand how to approach the lesson, how to introduce the topic, and how to carry the lesson throughout. 

  • When will the lesson be taught in the course of the school year? Why?

    • The lesson will likely be taught in the beginning of the year within the first couple of weeks. This is because the standard is listed in the beginning of the standards on AZED for 4th grade.  


Procedure: (Include a step-by-step description of what the students and the teacher will be doing (i.e. walk me through the lesson)

Lesson Plan Template

Key vocabulary: 

  • Key details

  • Inference


  • Laptop

  • Pencil 

  • Paper 

  • Worksheets 

  • Whiteboard 

  • Whiteboard marker

  • Whiteboard eraser

  • Timer 

Opening/Anticipatory Set: (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)

I will show this picture and ask the student open ended questions such as: 

  1. What is an inference?

  2. What is an inference you can make about this picture? 

  3. What key details do you see in the picture that helped you make that inference?  


Direct Instruction

Teacher Will:

  • I will show the student the worksheet shown in this box. 

  • I will go through the worksheet with the student. I will write in the responses with the help of the student. 

Student Will:

  • Student will answer prompting questions asked by the teacher. 

  • Student will observe the teacher. 



Support (Can be applied for cognitive or ELL): Student will be verbally guided with queues as needed. Student will also be provided verbal sentence starters as needed. Visual may be used as needed. 

Advanced: Student can answer higher level thinking questions. Student can write responses on whiteboard prior to teacher writing response. 

Guided Practice

Teacher Will: 

  • Prompt the students to read the text. 

  • Guide the students and read vocabulary terms that may be challenging for students. 

Student Will:

  • Read the text. 

  • Fill in the table. 

  • State the key details from the text that support their inference. 






Support (Can be applied for cognitive or ELL): Student can be provided with the response written on the whiteboard by the teacher. The student will then write the response on their paper. Depending on the student, they may also verbally respond and the teacher will write the response. 

Advanced: Student will underline the key details from the text that support the inference. 

Independent Practice

Teacher Will:

  • Explain to the students that they will need to pay close attention to the video because there will be an activity after the video. 

  • Show student the video. 

  • Instruct the student to go on the jamboard and explain the expectations for the jamboard. 

  • Inform the students the bonus question is if they finish the first three questions. 

  • Inform students to stop and wait when they reach the red square slide that says STOP.

  • Tell the student they will have five minutes to complete the three questions on the jamboard.

Student Will:

  • Watch the video. 

  • Complete the activity on the jamboard. 


Support (Can be applied for cognitive or ELL): Student will have the teacher guide them throughout the questions on the jamboard where needed. 

Advanced: Student can come up with an additional inference based on any part of the video and support their response with a key detail from the video. This is the bonus question slide that is for early finishers if there is still time. 

Closure/Lesson Summary:

  • We will have a brief discussion about the video and the questions asked. Then, I will introduce the five questions on the jamboard. 

  • Students will respond to the five questions on the jamboard with sticky notes. This is the assessment. 

  • After they complete these questions, I will ask them what they learned. Then, we will have a discussion so that I can assess their understanding of the standards. 

Technology Integration: (Describe how students and the teacher will use technology throughout the lesson)

  • Students will complete a portion of the lesson on a google jamboard. 

  • Students will watch a short video on youtube to refer to when making inferences.

  • Students will complete a five question assessment on the jamboard.  

 Pixar Inference Video 

Differentiated Instruction: Describe how you will differentiate the instruction for each of the following:

I included more details for differentiation throughout the I Do, We Do, You Do in the lesson plan. 

  • Cognitive delay: Depending on the needs of the students, I can provide sentence starters, learning tools and manipulatives, and write responses based on the student. Visuals can also be provided. 

  • Gifted: Students can underline the text, respond to the bonus questions, and answer higher level thinking questions. 

  • ELL: Students can be provided sentence starters, visuals, and guidance by the teacher depending on the needs of the students.

Reflection: Designing Instruction (InTask Standards 7 and 8):

  • How do the instructional methods align with what you know about best practices (think about your methods classes)?

    • Through the use of various tools (whiteboards, visuals, laptops, worksheets) the students are able to learn through strategies that work best for their learning style. 

  • How are you engaging students in creative and higher order thinking?

    • I ask students questions that are open-ended to encourage them to think about their response. I also have students apply computer skills and challenge their technology knowledge. 


·         Procedure: Read Assessing Student Learning (Include a description of how you will determine the students' success in meeting the standards and objectives of the lesson (You must include what artifacts and activities will be assessed as well as a description of the assessment process))

The jamboard can be used as reference to assess student understanding. I can use this for more than one student simultaneously, as well. The five questions on the last slide are my final assessment following the entirety of the lesson. I would also use the verbal responses throughout the lesson to do multiple checks for understanding. 

·         Instruments: (Include [or link to] any tools that you will be using to assess your students (i.e.. rubric, checklist, worksheet, test)

  • Jamboard

  • Chart worksheet

Reflection: Planning Assessment (InTask Standard 6):

·         How do the instructional methods align with what you know about best practices (think about your methods classes)?

  • The instructional methods I have applied that align with what I know about best practices include the structure of the lesson and order of events that take place. For example, the anticipatory set and final assessment are both used in my instruction. 

  • How are you engaging students in creative and higher order thinking?

    • I engage students in creative thinking through the jamboard and questions I ask. Throughout the lesson, I ask intentional questions that invoke higher order thinking in the student. As I taught the lesson, I would ask questions to guide the conversation. 


·         In this section include any examples you have created for the students, resources (software, web links, books, crafting items, etc.) and other necessary items 



How does your lesson meet ISTE Standards?

§  ISTE Standards for Educators (The technology standards you should meet as a teacher)

Educator Standard: 2.5.b Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning. 

  • My lesson meets the ISTE standards for educators because it challenges me to use digital tools and technology to strengthen the lesson. Through the video and the interactive jamboard, I am providing the students the opportunity to use digital resources.

Student Standard: 1.6.d Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences. 

§  ISTE Standards for Students (The technology standards you should help your future students meet)

  • The lesson meets the ISTE standards for students because the students are required to share their answers on a sticky note, which is how their information is presented digitally. 




  1. Bella,
    This seems like a very fun and easy lesson. I like that how it was easy to follow if I had to sub in your class I would know exactly what the objective is. The Jamboard looks like a fun technology recourse to use to assess the students. Great Job

  2. Bella,
    I really like how well outlined the lesson is, it would be easy to implement and engage the students in the activities...and I really love a good jamboard. Good Job!

  3. Hi Miss Bella! I thought you did an excellent job with this lesson. It was detailed and well-organized. I really liked the use of the jamboard and videos. It was neat how you included different ways the students could use inference (youtube video or reading the article). Lastly, I enjoyed the assessment you offered with the sticky notes. I liked the idea of the movement exercise included in the lesson.
    Great Job!

  4. Hello Isabella,

    Your anticipatory set is well done. Showing the class a picture and asking them open-ended questions is a fantastic way to get them all interested and involved. Your direct instruction portion of the lesson is wonderfully concise, and a substitute teacher would appreciate it as this allows for improvisation as necessary. Your incorporation of technology included two different mediums and is to be commended. Finally, the fact you were able to include examples of student work was great. You have what it takes to be an excellent teacher.


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