Global Digital Citizenship

Devious Lick Challenge

The tik tok trend Devious Lick Challenge caused bathrooms to be stolen from or vandalized. Bathroom properties were damaged, and theft occurred throughout this trend. Items such as bathroom mirrors, floor tiles, faucets, and essentially anything found in bathrooms were either stolen or damaged. 

Students: Students should face the consequences as established by administration. Students should also be informed of the potential consequences that would be given should they participate in the challenge and cause damage.

Parents: Parents should have a conversation with their children to discuss how serious this is. Depending on the situation, parents and/or students should be held accountable financially. The damage caused is expensive and severe. 

Teachers: Teachers can monitor during class which students are asking to use the bathroom. Although, during times of the day when students are not in class and multiple students can use the bathroom, the staff monitors can keep an eye on bathroom entry. Teachers can also have a discussion with the students whole group about this trend and advise students against participating. 

Administration: Administrators can send school wide information to families informing them of what is happening and to encourage parents to have conversations with their children. Admin can also instill policies or school rules for safety purposes.


  1. Hi Bella!

    I enjoyed reading your perspective on this challenge, I got a lot of insight into what this challenge is by reading your post! I completely agree with you that students should face the consequences that the administration establishes. Having communication between the parents, teachers, and administration is a great way to start making sure the challenge was brought to an end.

  2. Hi Bella!

    Great post! I really enjoyed how you stated "Although, during times of the day when students are not in class and multiple students can use the bathroom, the staff monitors can keep an eye on bathroom entry. Teachers can also have a discussion with the students whole group about this trend and advise students against participating." This can be an easy and simple way to help keep an eye out and also just have those heart-to-heart conversations with the students about "what's going on, what's wrong with it, don't do it because it's illegal (in this case)."

    And honestly, I think if kids are going to do something illegal and post it online, their family shouldn't just face financial charges for the damage, their child should be at risk of facing vandalism or theft charges because I know some of my students would just say "Oh yeah, my mom will pay for it...If my mom's paying for it...can I keep what I took???" and shrug it off. Do the crime? Okay. This is more than a prank at that point, here's the repercussions of your actions.

    You had an amazing post! I loved it! 10/10....You also made me remember some funny stories about my kids breaking stuff and then wanting to keep the thing they broke because they were paying for it anyways.....So for that, you get a 1,000,000 out of 10 rating in my heart.

  3. Hey Bella!
    I really enjoyed your post. I really like what you wrote for each responsible party. I agree that administrations need to send information to all the district about the different trends that are going on online. I believe that TikTok needs to also place a warning with all their other warnings about what the consequences are for filming themselves doing something that is illegal.


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